Obstruction of Congress and abuse of power ? Are the Democrats serious?

No "Quid pro Quo" anymore? No charge of Bribery? Instead they pick Obstruction of congress"? How did he obstruct congress? And approval ratings for congress is very low, often referred to as the " do-nothing congress". I do not think people will empathize with a house that people do not like to begin with.. " Abuse of power" ? This article is rather obtuse and vague. Is this the best the Dems can offer ? No one is taking this seriously, least of all Trump. The DEms do not have the narrative anymore and public sentiment favors Trump. Great Job getting Trump re-elected... What do u think ?


The main abusers of power are the Democrats. They are the ones who changed the whistleblower rules, the impeachment rules, chose witnesses, precluded others, decided which questions could be asked and which questions not while limiting the accused's right to a fair hearing involving face to face with his accuser and being allowed to bring his own lawyers and witnesses.

They also completely ignored what the President of Ukraine has said, repeatedly, that he was not threatened.

As for what does not reach the bar of obstruction of Congress why not look at what past Presidents got away with?

Obstructing the NBPP voter intimidation investigationNot providing subpoenaed Solyndra documents
Not allowing Ben Rhodes to testify on the Iran nuclear deal
The Iran ransom payments investigation Obstructing dozens of Inspectors General investigations


The bribery/extortion are part and parcel of his abuse of power.  The way that these impeachment articles work is that they have a broad heading for each article and then go into more depth in the body.  That's what happened here.  The article on abuse of power contains more detail on Trump's scheme to extort political interference from Ukraine.  That's in keeping with past practices.  For example, the impeachment articles for Richard Nixon (which passed the committee but were not voted on by the whole House because Nixon resigned), included one for obstruction of justice, one for abuse of power, and one for contempt of Congress.  The obstruction article included stuff such as the break in at the Watergate and subsequent illegal actions to cover it up.  But the articles didn't separately enumerate as articles all of the specific illegal acts Nixon engaged in. 


There are only 4 impeachable offenses in the Constitution...and these aren't them.

The DEMS in Congress are making sh1t up as they go along. And they're stirring up their voting base. They're not very smart. I'm pretty sure a lot of them will be unemployed after the next election.


That is the second charge. The first is the Ukraine thing. Funny thing about that, though...

More than 100 Democrats in the House are on record as calling for Trump's impeachment BEFORE the so-called 'incriminating' phone call. So, on what grounds were they calling for impeachment? The answer is simple. They could not accept their loss at the ballot box. They signaled at that moment what they were all about, politics, not service to the country. They have zero credibility.

If their investigation is based on a bogus charge, then refusing to cooperate with it, the basis for the obstruction indictment, is just as bogus.

And they KNOW it. They KNOW they will not get a conviction. They are hoping and praying that enough Republicans will be gutless and try to convince Trump to resign, and failing in that, they want to make as big a public stink as possible as far into an election cycle as possible, with their willing accomplices in the leftist media promoting their false narrative. Poison the public mind against Trump as much as they can.

More and more people are waking up to this. It's going to be a very interesting 2020.

Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc2019-12-11T03:54:48Z

Quid pro Quo is not a crime.  The attempted bribery is under the "abuse of power" provision.  Believe it or not, the lawmakers tend to understand the law, just a little bit.

Obstruction of Congress came about when he refused to cooperate with Congress while they were conducting a legal and procedural investigation.

Admit it, if the tables were flipped and this was happening when Obama was President, you'd be on board with the impending impeachment.  Clinton was impeached because he didn't consider oral sex to be sex, and he said as much under oath.  The GOP has no right to feign indignation.

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