Do warts on the tongue come back if you get them removed?
I don't think it was from sex.
I don't think it was from sex.
Sounds like HPV social disease.
Warts are human papillomavirus (HPV) . Whether or not it's from sex, they can always come back. That's how HPV works. It's chronic. Any time your immune system ebbs, they can come back, but the longer they don't come back, the less and less likely they will.
By the way, there are over 100 varieties of HPV. All of them are passed by skin-to-skin contact. About 40 of them are passed through sexual contact. How you got it, though, doesn't really much matter at this point. What does matter is that if you have them on your tongue, whose skin is membranous, then the variety you have is definitely one of the 40 that are passed though sexual contact, so you should not be kissing anyone or putting that tongue in direct contact with anyone else's membranous skin, meaning not their tongue, not their lips, not their nose, not their eyes, not their genitals, not their anus. If you do, there's about an 80% chance that you will pass it to them, that you will give them your HPV. If you do and they find out you did so knowing you have HPV and they report that to their doctor who then reports it to the health department, you can be arrested and jailed for assault and/or as a public health risk. Intentionally or negligently infecting people with a chronic infectious disease you have is a serious crime and a crime that can come back to haunt you years, even decades from now, like if you were convicted of intentionally infecting a woman with your HPV by performing oral sex on her and the warts spread from her vagina to her cervix where she later developed cervical cancer as a result or infecting a man with your HPV by performing analingus on him and he later developed rectal cancer as a result and then died of that cancer, you could be and very likely would be charged with second degree murder.
not if a doctor is involved