Do you believe Trump will be impeached?


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Yes, but without partisan support.  In fact, there will be partisan support against it, exposing it as the political witch hunt it is, and Trump will be reelected by a bigger margin than he was elected the first time with.  Dims will also risk losing their majority.


Impeached? yes. Removed? No.


Yes. And he deserves it. Cons here ignore his corruption and obstruction of justice because Cons are as corrupt as he is.


No. I believe the evidence will put ruling class
Democrats in jail and remove lots of swamp
Democrats from office. Trump will casually
Tell them go by nice working with you. Enjoy
Your time in jail. Bye


Congress has been trying to impeach him since day one. Absolutely no evidence has been produced but they don't care.  Fortunately it will go to the Senate where there will be a fair trial.  Let's see what they do.

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