Fellow Pagan sister and brothers, what is your best arguement against an angry christian? ?

I have absolutely nothing against christians. My three best friends are christian, and would never try to push Jesus on me. But from others, I am just a little bit tired of being told I am a sinner. Does anybody have any advice for tolerating/being patient when it feels like followers of Jesus are against me? Blessed be and Merry Yule!


Favorite Answer

If you look deeply, you see that everyone is essentially a radiant being of light. We all just want to be happy. Isn't it a pity that we are mostly so benighted. It calls for compassion.

There's nothing wrong with you. You shine. Look hard at yourself and know it is so.


We are all sinners, not just you or pagans in general. Just say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

Orthodox Lv 802019-12-19T09:32:55Z

Neopaganism is held at the expense of opposing themselves to Christians. Normal pagans do not see anything bad in worshiping different gods, and even less so when they have to do it.


If they wouldn't tell you about Yeshua then they are not Christian and they are not your friends. Friends don't let friends go to hell.


Forgive me answering when I am a Christian. The stress we have on ALL of us being sinners is due to that being the reason why the Son of God left Heaven, to add human nature to His divine nature so as to be the only sinless sacrifice for sin there has ever been. Jesus' cruel death was God's rescue plan to save us from the pit of sin we are in. But we have to agree with God's verdict on our sinful state if we are to repent. He sends the Holy Spirit to convince us and then we see why Jesus died and rose.

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