With advanced science & technology, can death & aging be prevented in the future?

Can we live forever using science knowledge?


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I do not think so.  Advanced science might prolong life for those that can afford treatment, but overall no.

Everyone dies, it's the circle of life.


I was mad at my dad, sometime in his 50's he had to be forced to go to a doctor. It uses to be for yearly check ups, but later even when he was sick. It usually took a week to get him to go, but later it got so bad, that before he died, he was so sick we had to take him to the ER, and once he had emergency surgery, and almost died. All because he did not go to the doctors when he had a pee pee problem. A UTI  a simple infection. that  a 10 day supply of antibiotics would have took his pain away in 2 days and OK in 5 days. But he waited a month, of being in pain, and his bladder filled up to twice its size, and sprung a leak,  He did the same thing 2 yrs later but this time he died. 

I'm Stupid2019-12-24T13:00:28Z

It is possible in the future to stop death and aging by transfering our mind into an artificial body.


not a chance.


Death could be prevented as long as you're a blood thirsty monster.

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