If the democrats are threatening a 2nd impeachment, would that not justify the Senate to dispose of the first one?

So, now a couple of days after Nancy hid the impeachment somewhere in the House and may be lost it, the democrats are threatening to have a 2nd impeachment over some other process/testimony that they are not happy with. So, the question is, if Nancy does find the lost homework, and does send it to the Senate, shouldn't the Senate just have a quick vote to see if it needs to proceed, and then decide not to proceed and reject the impeachment. Not even to give it trial status. The reason being that if the House starts multiple impeachments for the next year, the Senate will not want to give the historical impression of being fooled by or being a stooge of Nancy and the House. For the Senate to proceed traditionally is to give the impression that McConnell is the stooge of Pelosi.


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lol, the democrats are such an embarassment.  Maybe the worst I have ever seen in all my years, they have fallen that far.


If our "liberal" friends get too carried away with their impeachment thang, the Evil Mitch will need to dispose of those thangs just as fast as they roll in from Little Nancy's office.

The electorate will get it pretty damm quick, and eventually even "liberals" will, too. They're slow, but eventually even they cotton-on to functional reality. Pretty sad, though. <sigh>


No, they're talking about more impeachment because Trump has committed that many crimes. Hope that clears things up for you.


democrats are threatening a 2nd impeachment ?

Have you told your doctor about  your halucinations ?


They aren't even giving the documents to the senate...so no trial...they can do this all they want...no trial...no PROBLEM.

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