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If the democrats are threatening a 2nd impeachment, would that not justify the Senate to dispose of the first one?

So, now a couple of days after Nancy hid the impeachment somewhere in the House and may be lost it, the democrats are threatening to have a 2nd impeachment over some other process/testimony that they are not happy with. So, the question is, if Nancy does find the lost homework, and does send it to the Senate, shouldn't the Senate just have a quick vote to see if it needs to proceed, and then decide not to proceed and reject the impeachment. Not even to give it trial status. The reason being that if the House starts multiple impeachments for the next year, the Senate will not want to give the historical impression of being fooled by or being a stooge of Nancy and the House. For the Senate to proceed traditionally is to give the impression that McConnell is the stooge of Pelosi.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol, the democrats are such an embarassment.  Maybe the worst I have ever seen in all my years, they have fallen that far.

  • 1 year ago

    No person is ever above the law in our representative democratic republic, Earleen.  Trump's long-term close (kompromat) connections to the very ruthless Russian MAFIA (Nance, 2018; Johnston, 2016; Isikoff & Corn, 2018; Maddow, 2019), when coupled with the lifts-wearing (easily blackmailed) 74-year-old Trump's organized crime involvement that he inherited from his slumlord father Fred has most of the American people quite worried about our democracy and our Constitutional form of government, as well as our standing in the world.  

    The 350+ House-passed people-helping legislative bills that were sent to the Senate for debate and passage beginning on January 4, 2019 when Speaker Pelosi was sworn in have never been brought to the Senate floor for a vote and sit on the do-nothing "Moscow Mitch" McConnell's desk.  These power-packed House-passed bills include, but are not limited to, the lowering of prescription drug prices, an increase in the nation's minimum wage, and others ( is a good source for content).  The multi-million-dollar shady deal Senate Majority Leader old-fart Mitch McConnell has made with a corrupt Putin insider (MAFIA-linked oligarch) for his KY district should be questioned as a "quid pro quo" deal to prevent any legislative bills that would keep the U.S. Magnitsky-Act sanctions in place, or make voter suppression harder to do, or block Russian MAFIA interference into our democratic processes---something McConnell seems strangely reluctant to do (somebody should AUDIT).  There is no illegality at all in delaying the turnover of the two Articles of Impeachment (the equivalent of a Grand Jury indictment) for a Senate trial, but when McConnell announces on TV that he is "biased" and that he is "working closely with the White House Counsel" (one of those WH Counsels happens to be the SON-IN-LAW of AG BARR, Tyler McGaughey in a glaring conflict of interest corrupt and criminal intent).  

    When McConnell gets off his corrupt co-conspirator high horse and agrees to either recuse his complicit self or else finally...FINALLY...uphold his OATH OF OFFICE to "protect and defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, both DOMESTIC (like Trump et al.) and foreign"...then, and only then, should Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) send the two Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

    Source(s): "The Making of Donald Trump" (2016) by David Cay Johnston; "The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West" (2018) by 35-year CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance; "Russian Roulette" by Michael Isikoff & David Corn; "BLOWOUT" (2019) by Rachel Maddow; "Everything Trump Touches Dies" by Republican strategist Rick Wilson.
  • 1 year ago

    Once a president is impeached it is never disposed of.  He will be forever known as the third US President who was impeached.  The purpose of a senate trial is to hear all of the evidence against Trump---including witness testimony--  to see if he is guilty of crimes and removed from office. 

    There are numerous crimes that Congress could have impeached him, and they probably will as more evidence against Trump and his associates come out--if the Republican party refuse to have a fair trial. Congress chose not to because of the pending senate trial which could take months and time is running out. 

     The investigation of Trump is ongoing. He is still being investigated.  Giuliani and several members of his staff are under investigation as well. Trump is going to throw them under the bus and it will be a race to see who will be the first to testify against Donald. 

    Trump is tweeting that he wants a trial. I believe that the Republicans will pressure Trump to resign so they can save their party.  Trump has done so many crooked deals that the GOP will say he just isn't worth it.  The Republicans don't want to lose their cushy government positions protecting a criminal. 

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    New evidence has to be relevant to the call to reopen a trial, this is just additional information relating to the same charges.

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  • 1 year ago

    If our "liberal" friends get too carried away with their impeachment thang, the Evil Mitch will need to dispose of those thangs just as fast as they roll in from Little Nancy's office.

    The electorate will get it pretty damm quick, and eventually even "liberals" will, too. They're slow, but eventually even they cotton-on to functional reality. Pretty sad, though. <sigh>

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    No, they're talking about more impeachment because Trump has committed that many crimes. Hope that clears things up for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    democrats are threatening a 2nd impeachment ?

    Have you told your doctor about  your halucinations ?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    They aren't even giving the documents to the no trial...they can do this all they PROBLEM.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    WTF has oversight over Congress abusing their authority ?

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