Is Yahoo answers having technical difficulties right NOW?

The last couple of days, I have not been able to see my own answers on my answers profile. Also the last couple of days, Yahoo has been spamming the heck out of my inbox with e-mail messages saying "Someone also answered the same question as you!" As if I care...
In the spam, there is a suggestion to check your preferences. Only, my preferences have always been set to NOT receive such messages, and the preferences are STILL set to NOT receive such messages. So my Yahoo preferences are set correctly, but they are being ignored by Yahoo.


Yes, the things you mention are "technical" issues. Not being able to see your own YA activity is something you can't do anything about. However, you can minimize the annoyance of the notification emails. You can set a rule in your email (depending on which email client you use) to send those emails straight to the trash or some other specific folder, so you don't get them in your inbox. Of course, it will also send any BA notifications to the designated folder as well.

ANDRE L2019-12-28T17:28:06Z

They're having lots of them.

One problem I am seeing a LOT recently is that the answer refuses to maintain the paragraph separation that I typed. Even leaving four blank lines doesn't work.


Yes- still can't see my answers.
I hardly ever check my mail.

Pearl L2019-12-28T02:44:15Z

its possible, im getting those emails myself


Join the club. Follow the links in any of those emails and let YA know about it. Maybe YOUR complaint will get to someone who can fix the problem.

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