I have a question for someone who is a neurologist or brain specialist?
I have kind of a crazy story to tell.
Years ago, I came across a book titled Mind Power, The Secret of Mental Magic, by William W. Atkinson.
I read and studied this enormous book and began practicing the meditational exercises in it.
The author mentioned that after one develops the kind of mental power described in his book, that the practitioner would grow additional brain cells for the purpose of using this mental power.
These additional brain cells prevent the practitioner from being controlled by their own polarity, unlike other ordinary human beings who are controlled by their polarity.
A person who isn’t controlled by their own polarity doesn’t succumb to things like the illusion of good or evil, positive or negative, left or right.
So anyways, I was wondering if a knowledgeable person such as a brain specialist could tell me which area of my brain could I have grown extra brain cells that give me the ability to control my own polarity?
The author didn’t mention which area of the brain would have to develop more brain cells for that purpose.
I don’t really expect anyone to know the answer to this question because it’s such a tough question.
Also, is there any way that a person could be tested to figure exactly where those extra brain cells or brain tissue would be located?