What's a good set down job.?

I'm 40 and just found out that I have scoliosis and degenerative disc diesse so I have to find a job that isn't that physical as I'm use to. I do have a degree but it's welding and cutting so more of a trade school and really doesn't transfer over to anything.
Does anyone know of any jobs that I would be able to to do. $15 to $20 range.


You’re clearly a 40 year old loser who trolls on the internet 


Dude I called you out for a fist fight, weightlifting challenge and track workout,  you have not replied are you hiding under your gay man's g string, meet me or this isnt going to end. 


If you are still working then you should probably consider taking some classes in fields which are needed; e.g. anything in the medical field or data entry.  Certainly be proficient with using a computer.  You'll need to do some research on your own as to where the need is and how much the various jobs pay.  Consider that some jobs might not start out in the $15 to $20 range but it might not take you long to get there if you do a good job.

Check out government jobs.  Start getting a newspaper and checking out the want ads to see what jobs are available and how much they pay.

BTW - it is a "sit" down job not a set down job.


SIT. Sit down job.

If your experience is in welding I see little chance at you making that much sitting on your butt. Sit down jobs don't pay that much to start. Telephone collections might pay near that with bonuses if you are good at it. Not from day 1.


$15-20 is easy to get for someone around 40 with a dependable job history. don't welders make min $20? don't settle for less than around $17.36.