How do do I deal with this annoying person?

I ride public transit to work every weekday and there's this one person I'm sort of friends with that rides the bus with me (both too and from work, he works in the next building over). In the past few months though he has become very annoying to say the least! I'm the type of person that needs my quiet time to dezone before work and after, and he just yammers on the majority of the way about utterly stupid ****. He's a nice guy don't get me wrong, but he just lacks boundaries and doesn't know when or how to shut up. I find him espically more annoying after I work a long *** day! My question is how do I deal with this guy but without being an jerk towards him? Thanks.


The things he yammers on about is how he buys these toy cars, making idiotic comments about making tracks in the snow while walking, the bus running late, lists all the details he did over the weekend etc.


Favorite Answer

Sounds like your blaming him for your own inability to speak up and simply say you need some quiet time to come down from working or to get ready for work. People cannot read minds and unless you learn to just speak what you want you will always be blaming everyone else for not KNOWING how you feel.


Try and avoid him. Take a later bus. Uber. Look for a car. You need this time.


can't u take another bus? or the schedule is too seldom? buy headphones and tell him u re listening to audiobook for your book club and can not chat now. then sit and stare at one spot.