What do you think about the Dem candidates?

In my opinion the selection of Dem candidates leaves a lot to be desired..

1- Bernie- a socialist, crap personality, and a curmudgeon. Most of his supporters are college aged kids who like free stuff.

2- Warren- overshadowed by Bernie.. Her numbers are dropping. Claimed to be Native American Indian.

3- Buttigieg- limited name recognition, really young, small town mayor. Does not poll well with African Americans.

4- Biden- forgets what state he is in, fragile and almost as old as an antique. Does not have energy, and is prone to gaffs.
5- Bloomberg- an elitist snob who has offended gays, blacks, and women. Bought his way into the election, and if nominated will get minimal support from the Bernie supporters. He has the charisma of a tree stump and isn't particularly well liked. He reminds me of Hillary , just a tad more dull.


You wisely didn't mention Klobuchar.  Because if you had, she'd likely cry.


I think you couldnt have summed it up better


Democrats have lost their minds and turned into bunch of crazy open border, free everything, anti-capitalists. Trump will so easy win this time. If dems don't sober up they might lose power for decades to come


another chat question,


I think I'm voting for Trump again.