So, how is Nancy Pelosi's district in San Fancisco going to handle the added health challenge when Corona hits Chinatown?

Overcrowding, feces and vomit covered streets and now folks flying in from China. Good luck, Nancy!


And this is different from Atlanta or Montgomery in what way? Good luck to us all!

That Trump trolls use this kind of crisis to attack others shows how unworthy you are of respect.


Have you ever BEEN to SF?  You talk like you only know it via FOX and Friends or whatever other platforms you think are "fair and balanced".


do you know how nancy became a multi-millionaire?

...she was part of a group of politicians (which included fellow multi-millionaire feinstein) who spent much of the 1970s and early 1980s pushing "progressive" policies that made large sections of her city unlivable.... when property values collapsed, their friends and family members swooped in and bought up whole city blocks...

...they then demanded new taxes and programs to address the "crisis" they themselves created.....anyone opposed was labeled as "heartless" and "racist"... .... their properties were redeveloped with taxpayer money and within a few years  become multi-million dollar town homes and high-end retail... you may now, current CA gov newsom is pelosi's relative...and had a very similar career path... with brown, pelosi, feinstein and the rest all pushing 80,what you see happening now is just a "rinse & repeat" to ensure that the next generation is "taken care of" and that all the gravy being sucked from the taxpayers remains "in the family"...


Many people have stopped going to Chinatown already. Many businesses have seen business drop by as much as 50-75%,. Pelosi tries to help these businesses by going there to eat to show that there is nothing to worry about. Those tents in your picture are not located in Chinatown. There is no room for those tents over there.


Better than the incompetent so called leader Trump.