Is this bad news for Joe Bidens electability argument ?

Trump Is now getting positive reviews from Democratic Governors, and some congressmen/women. This is good publicity for him. He is being very proactive in this fight against the Virus.

Bidens messaging has been drowned out and from here on out he will look more irrelevant as Trump continues to fight this virus. Trump is actually benefiting ,sadly, from this virus.

" War time president" and its implication. Trump has referred to himself as a war time president ( fighting the virus) with no push back. A president who presides over a serious crisis will invariably have the advantage on election day. Think of this old expression, " no one will get off that horse midstream".. Psychologically voters will think Trump is a strong leader..

When the virus subsides, and it will, Trump will get much of the credit for his proactive measures. November is actually good timing, in this regard.

Many Bernie Sanders will not vote for Biden. Populist movement usually is about "all or nothing". Some will even vote for Trump as a protest vote against the DNC, of which they are not beholden to. Privately many will want Trump to win because they think it will accelerate the demise of this country thus accelerate the necessity of Bernies message and beliefs. They will look at Biden as another establishment politician that represents the status quo and a speed bump to their progress. Also they would rather dance with the devil they know than dance with one they do not know.

Russ in NOVA2020-03-20T00:12:43Z

Governors are saying things that Trump wants to hear to avoid his wrath.  Governors (and most Americans) want a President that actually leads the country, not a narcissistic liar that first calls an impending pandemic a hoax and then cluelessly babbles on and on at press conferences pretending his is a tin general, rather than letting the experts speak.  He is the only president ever that needs to have everyone give him at least two complements on every single press conference.

Trump does himself damage every single day.  Biden's message is simple.  You have a choice between a leader who has the experience and wisdom to run the country or a conman and loser that is so vain he has to put on orange makeup every day.

Psychologically the majority of voters know a lying blow-hard from an actual leader.  They know the proof is in actions not words.   

Trump's management of this issue is poor and indefensible.  People will remember his incompetence on election day AND when the virus is over (in 2021, well past the election)  people will still remember.

Bernie Bros that don't want to vote for Biden can go suck it.  It will make no difference.   Sanders had a fair chance this time (as opposed when he ran against Hillary).  Sanders even helped write the current DNC rules.  Sanders is losing worse than he did against Hillary simply because democratic voters want Biden.


Gumps approval has taken a 5 point dip


The best news for the US---------------------->


Democratic governors get one vote per person. They won't make any difference. A vast majority of Democrats think he needs to be voted out of office, even before he screwed up the response to the CoronaVirus pandemic by playing golf, meeting money donors at Mara Lago and downplaying the virus. Nothing has changed since. Many Democrats risked their lives to go to the polls to make sure that Biden is the nominee, because they think he has the best chance to defeat CoVidFefe


Trump is stepping up, nobody rational can deny that .. when it comes to a 'deadly' disease political bickering and trump derangement isnt making sense right now lol .. you continue with that, its not that the situation makes trump look 'good' .. no .. its making you look 'bad' ..

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