Why are the government’s now closing the parks?

Before they encouraged us to go for a walk either locally or in the parks/ green spaces to get some fresh air. 

Elderly people (over 70) can do the same if they want to ‘take their dogs for a walk’ or go for a quick jog during the Coronavirus crisis.  

Now they’re suddenly closing parks including National Trust except for Green spaces/ countrysides. They want to close the countryside’s too then they can’t as they ain’t gated. Why are they suddenly doing this when these places are one of the most safest places to go to compared to the streets? 


Favorite Answer

Because some people are so dumb they don't understand the concept of social distancing. So everyone has to suffer because of them.


people have not learned to keep it seperated. Government does not want no Corona up in their ****.


Because people are not listening to advice.  They are NOT safe places if lots of people all decide to go and end up being close together.  Which is exactly what has happened.

So as people won't listen to the advice, we're going to have to force them to be sensible.


So in other words, you're stupid.