What's the difference between yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, and energetically promoting the idea that vaccines are a plot....?

....to spread disease and implant sinister microchips? 

Michael E2020-04-06T22:49:09Z

Favorite Answer

Urgency. "Fire" in a crowded theater inspires an immediate action. The vaccine is a plot narrative does not engender immediate action.

STEVEN F2020-04-06T23:15:56Z

No one gets trampled to death in the stampede that doesn't follow the conspiracy theory about vaccines.


Why don't you actually listen to some of their stories. Nothing happens in a vacuum, even if they're wrong.
From what I understand, a lot of the anti vaxxer moms were people who got their kids vaccinated, then their kids died or went to the hospital afterwards. It happened to enough of the and they got enough analysis done by various doctors to show that their kids had gotten a bad batch of vaccines and it had ****** them up.
They had a sigil for all the mothers whose children had died because of the vaccine.
Careful about how you want to censor people. They could make it illegal when the damn theater is actually on fire.
Oh yeah, and globalist creeps like Bill Gates have said over and over and over again that they want to depopulate and mutate humanity via mandatory vaccines. They and their ilk of eugenicist autocrats, corporatists, and technocrats have said it over and over again. Millions of times.


One is false. And one is true. That's the only difference. And I am assuming that there was no fire in the theater.