What s is the name of this movie, 80 s comedy?

I just did about 20 searches and can t find the name of this movie, so if you do please tell me how you did it. The movie is an 80 s comedy about a guy/teenager named Eddie who gets the chance to be the devil or something, grows horns, only he doesn t want it. Most of the movie is about waiting for hell to break loose through his basement, eventually. I can remember several quotes from it "nothing can break it" (he buys plaster) "eight hours of sleep" "you cosmic wimp" "maybe a month ago" he sees his teacher working as a mini-golf place during the summer and there s a song "come on and be a preacher, listen to your teacher" "something has to be done, love him as much as you do"

I ts a not a very well known movie, maybe you never even heard of it, but STOP TELLING people just to use google to find something, like it can ALWAYS find what they re looking for


Trick or Treat (1986)