Should you forgive a person who keeps making the same mistakes they already said they were sorry for and can't promise any change? Does that make you stupid to forgive? Or would it be the right thing to do but move on without that person? Forgive for yourself not for them?
This person also expects things to be "normal" like nothing happened after he apologizes
Ace Shorty2020-04-29T17:04:28Z
That would all depend on how much it is bothering you. It would seem it is bothering you enough that you are considering moving on so I would say move on without that person.
This person does not believe they have done anything wrong, and so it's unlikely they will change their behaviour. It may be that they will find someone who is happy with them just the way they are.This isn't you! Don't waste your time on deep thoughts about forgiving and forgetting, grieve and have your feelings of sadness, accept you are not right for each other, and move on with your life :)
Forgiveness isn't something you have to show. Forgiveness is for YOU so you will feel a little 'cleaner' inside. You don't have to always add the word "forget" to the word forgive.
If you have been repeatedly told things are going to change, and they don't, then yes--it's time to move on. A person who does not even try to change after hurting someone is not someone who is going to change because you offer forgiveness. You're not stupid--you're stuck. Apologies only mean something when they're backed up by actions. There is no reason to suffer the same crap over and over again. And you shouldn't forget--because it may happen again with someone else. Keep in mind that you can only be hurt by another person if you give them the opportunity and the means. Your acceptance of their repeated, meaningless apologies is just that sort of opportunity and means. Cut your losses and move on. No one needs that kind of toxic behavior in their lives.
Forgiveness can be a challenge. It’s not always easy. When we choose to forgive we benefit ourselves. Holding on to anger and resentment can make us miserable. Sometimes in life, you just have to forgive, and forget in the sense that you don’t keep rehashing a thing, and move on. No need to be taken advantage of. God requires us to forgive. We’re human and sooner or later we will need forgiveness. Also, God want us to use a spirit of a sound mind and be reasonable. We can’t change anyone, they have to put forth the effort to change and stick to it. Your choice to forgive, your choice to move on.
Stop worrying about which choice is the 'right thing' to do, and instead make the choice you need to make for your own continued happiness. Forgive them if you think they deserve doesn't really matter...but do what you have to do to survive.