When will Brennan and Clapper and other FBI traitors be arrested?


You trolls never quit, do you? Blue lives matter until they investigate you.

Philip H2020-05-05T20:02:19Z

I'm quite sure AG Barr is working on that, but the legal system works very slowly. And for good reason. They don't want to botch the case or any of the evidence they are accumulating.


When Russia and Putin are in total control of the USA, that would happen right away. So far Russia and Putin are only in control of Teflon Don Trumpino only, not the entire US government yet. The part that refuses to be controlled by Trumpino and Russia is called the "Deep State."

scott b2020-05-05T19:50:08Z

In this semi-totalitarian regime of malevolence, ineptitude and incompetence, anything is possible.

ANDRE L2020-05-05T19:49:52Z

Not being blind followers of Fat Donnie ISN'T a crime.

Gte over your delusions.

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