Clearing my parents’s debt?

So my parents are divorced since I was a little baby (I’m 20 now). My dad has committed domestic abuse against my mum, has refused to pay the house debts and claims that my mum is still the owner as well. But he asked my mum to remove her name because he wanted to put his ex gf’s name on it. 

10 years later, the bank contacted my dad for having a debt of 10k and he said that my mum is the one to blame even though its not under her name anymore. The bank only gave my mum 10 days to pay during quarantine.

I want to pay the debt but I’m most certain that my dad will do anything to get it back in his name and will not sign the the apartment over to me. 

If I pay it will it automatically be put under my name (the house that my dad and my mum is indebted to pay)? What can I do to secure this house under my name?


maybe you should talk to a lawyer about it

♠ Merlin ♠2020-05-09T15:51:47Z



This is a mess.
You need proper advice here, legal advice, IF i am reading this correctly, you are going to end up paying a debt that is your dads and you (nor your mum) will receive any benefit from it at all

Are you in the UK per chance, you can get the first hour with a solicitor for free, Google to find a reputable one in your area, PLEASE. before you do anything.
The legal remifications could be huge, this is WAY above our pay grade here, seek PROPER advice


Paying their debt won't transfer ownership of the home to you. Your mother needs to talk to a lawyer. The bank isn't going to review their divorce decree and make any special effort to help your mother understand her rights or responsibilities. Your mother needs to do that work herself and settle this once and for all. If your mother doesn't pay, the bank will foreclose and your father will be kicked out. He is ultimately shooting himself in the foot, which should make you question if this whole thing is a scam.


Consult with your solicitor
Your name is not on the property title so regardless of a payment made your name can't be added to the title without transfer occuring. 
If your mum is the property owner & responsible for the debt her name would be on the title. 
Why has the bank not bothered to contact your mum in 10 years? 
It's all a bit strange. 
I would suggest getting legal advice before transferring money or making any arrangements.


No, you paying the debt will not entitle you to anything. The legal owner of the Condo( it is a condo right, not a house or apartment) is the person whose name appears on the deed. Your mother made a huge mistake when she had her name removed, unfortunately. If you pay the money owed, your father will attempt to sell the place or use that as leverage for you to hand over the money to him to pay for your half-sisters private school. Your mother needs to hire an attorney to take care of this messed up situation once and for all!

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