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? asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 5 days ago

If my son ever asks why I was never there for him, I was going to show him my Level 7 Y!A account. What do I do now?

I quit my job, I drove my wife away, I neglected my son, and I lost at least 7 homes in the past 15 years. All of these sacrifices I made in order to be a Level 7 Yahoo! Answers user. I never made it beyond Level 2, but if I had been given more time, I know I would  have gotten to the top. With Y!A shutting down, it feels like I've wasted my entire life for nothing. I have no legacy to leave to my grandkids. I have nothing to show for all these years of absence. I have no justification for walking away from a lucrative career or from a loving wife and kid. How do I face my family at this point, whom have long since forgotten me? I always imagined that I would return to them, and that I would quell their justified anger with my incredible and immaculate Yahoo! Answers statistics. I thought I could leave a legacy for generations to aspire towards. I'm just a big fat nothing at this point

10 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    That is not going to help. If you drove his mother away then you drove him away. If you cannot respect the mother of your child then you deserve to lose your child and there is nothing you can do to fix the past. Do everything you can to try to reach out to your children and your ex wife and fix things. 

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    you still mightve helped people out with your answers even if you never reached level 7

  • 5 days ago

    Forget about it dude you ducked up.

  • T J
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    People like you is the cause of YA being shut down.

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  • 5 days ago

    I was level 7 for years.  Then people started reporting me for TOS violations.  I never violated TOS.  Regardless, Yahoo threatened to permanently delete my account, including many years of e-mail archives that would  have been impossible to back up.

    So I had to create a new e-mail address just to keep posting here.  Which is why I'm stuck on level 3 now.  Oh, and when I complained to Yahoo about the fact that I was getting warnings about TOS violations without actually violating any TOS...

    The response I got was (paraphrased)  "Don't worry too much, it's just a warning".   But that response totally missed the point!  I shouldn't be warned not to do something again, if I never did it in the first place!!!

    Oh well, guess the fricking level doesn't matter anymore.  Nor the TOS.  Violate at will...

    Oh, I should add...the only reason people were reporting me is that they didn't like what I was saying.  Which is another way of saying, if you hurt people by being TOO HONEST, it kind of plsses them off sometimes...

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Evaluate your goals and objectives

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    You will be one of the millions who will commit virtual suicide in mace, this April 20 or May 4.

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Teach him how to masturbate.

  • 5 days ago

    Perhaps there's a self-help program available, or even a Y!/A hotline for those stricken with the same emotional duress you are feeling.

    I'll do a search and get back to you.

  • 5 days ago

    I made many sacrifices to do the same. It got banned 2 years after Gary got to level 7. Missed out on family time, was on my phone constantly. Got to level 7 on Christmas Eve 2017.

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