How much trouble can I get in?

My friend uses edibles to calm her down with anxiety but doesn’t have a medical card to use them. How much trouble can I get in if I allow her to have an edible on her in my car and I would be the driver? Like what’s the least that could happen and what’s the most that could happen? The edible would be in her purse. Thanks for taking the time to answer.  I also live in Rhode Island, USA


Unless your friend is obviously acting extremely intoxicated this is completely a non-issue. And even if your friend was acting so intoxicated to get the attention of a cop who searched the friend and found the edibles (and knew what they were) you would not be liable.


You can get in way more trouble by dispensing your prescription to somebody then you can get if you had actually just purchased some weed off of the street and gave it to somebody it's a high degree felony to give your prescription of any kind to another person. Why don't you get some CBD granules the pure isolate you don't have to get high to get healed the healing properties are found in the CBD chemical! But there is plenty of people that get the card so that they can get high. It is a falsehood to believe that getting high on marijuana is a medical thing! If you're getting high to combat your depression or other problems you're nothing more than a drug addict using a medical card as an excuse. Again you don't have to get high to get healed

Pearl L2020-05-24T01:40:57Z

i think both of you's should stop eating them and then you wont have to worry about it


Whoever has possession of the illegal substance is who it would fall on. Unless of course this friend left her stuff in your vehicle and you got busted with it in the car by yourself. You'd then be responsible.