Is it embarrassing to be seen cashiering?

This happened a few months before the quarantine, but I’m just asking now. I was cashiering at a sports game and someone from high school came to my line. She was very friendly but when I told the story to my friend he was like ouch that’s embarrassing. I’m 23 years old. What do you think?


why should you be embarrassed because you had a job


Honest work is honest work. But if you were on track for greatness and still somehow ended up in a minimum wage job I guess I could see how that would be embarrassing. 


Why is it embarrassing to be seen working?  If you felt this way, look at the underlying reason for this mindset. Your friend being embarrassed does not automatically suggest you would share his perspective.  You are 23 years young and you are earning an income.  What part of this do you feel is embarrassing?


Many people are cashiers while studying in college or even afterwards. It's not anything to be embarrassed about. Think of it like a transition phase before you find your "real" job. I have also been a cashier before and I liked the experience. It taught me to take initiative and not to take everything for granted.


i dont see anything wrong with it, someone has to do it

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