Obama didn’t make a habit of that kind of thing.
these two things are not analogous. Can you tell apples from oranges at the store?
OK, you wanna go there... Trump doesn't have "dementia." He's obviously got some neurological disease; probably Alzheimer's or Parkinsons. He's been showing Rt-side weakness (eg: the two-handed grip on water bottles), he often slurs his words, he's exhibiting a shuffling, unsteady gait and then there's his oddly tilted stance like he's tipping forward.
After his last physical, Trump announced he had a "normal" MoCA test which is a cursory exam for cognitive abilities. BUT that test isn't included in a standard physical; it's given when neurological or brain disorders are suspect. So WHY did Trump even take such a test? Also, the MoCA result is a numeric score and Trump never revealed what his actual score was.
Trump's father died of Alzheimer's and we know it's hereditary. The symptoms he's showing are certainly signs of a neurological disorder of some kind.
Irrespective of the fact that this is actually so, the fact remains that
1- Obama is no longer there
2- the orange shitstain IS there and is damaging the country every chance he got
Twist it any way you want, it still comes back to the same thing. Trump is DANGEROUSLY unstable.
Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc
Obama misspeaks one time, acknowledges his error and it's all you people have. Trump makes errors on a daily basis, but you just want to dismiss it.
You see, when we're looking to diagnose something, we look for patterns.