Should a police department have a professional counselor to help officers deal with the stress of policing and PTSD?

Police are often disrespected, threaten, assaulted, and even shot. They see victims of rape, assault, and murder and have to deal with the families. All of this can lead to stress, anxiety, hypervigilance, nightmares, and violent outbursts. Perhaps a professional counselor can help officers and root out ones that are going over the edge. 


Favorite Answer

Yes.  Law enforcement is not and never has been an easy or fun job.  Sure, some people may seem to enjoy their jobs but it sucks most of the time.  You get the idea that no one appreciates what you do, and everyone hates you for what someone else did that you had nothing to do with.  They do seriously need someone to talk to, that won't judge them for writing a ticket.


ABSOLUTELY.  Most will not allow the officer to return to work until they seek help and can prove they are fine.


Trump supporters if yall not coward then answer this:

Even a police officer said Trump to shut his mouth and to say something constructive during the riots?Does this mean even #BlueLivesMatter hate Trump?THE HYPOCRISY!!!!!So unfortunate that police officers and trump supporters don't think alike..

Atleast Democrats/Blacks/non Trumpies can answer...Trumpies r so coward I must say 30 minutes on and 2 coward trumpies reported me but it wasn't removed so..but no ***** answered


Yes, and my City does.


Of course and most do. The problem is that you're teased and so forth for seeing the counselor because you're seen and not being strong.

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