Do interviewers ask why it took long to finish college? Would my answer be good?

I took ten years to graduate college. This was mostly because I was paying classes I can afford out of pocket as opposed to borrowing money to take more classes.


I'm not in debt or anything. That was pretty much the whole point.


I did get an f in one class. I flooded myself with way too much work that I had to readjust to make money and get an education. So I did learn about the importance of time management while being financially responsible. That took a big hit on my GPA though. 


What I meant to say was that I had to change plans. I wanted to keep working while going to school so I can keep paying for classes. I also thought about all the possible things that could go wrong after graduation if things don't work out. You know? Like the COVID-19 issue going on that hit the economy real hard. Last thing I wanted was debt to drag me down while having other problems making it hard to get a job that I want.


Your resume will look much better than the average college graduate, as you will have loads of work experience to list. 


Often yes.  They do so to understand the flow and identify any gaps that exist within your resume.  They are also looking to understand your commitment to your studies and achieving your goal.  For example if one of the reasons it took so long was because you changed majors a lot, keep that to yourself. But claiming your desire to avoid student debt is valid.

Christin K2020-07-02T12:15:28Z

Most interviewers don't even KNOW how long you took to finish. You shouldn't put the years you WENT to college on your resume, only that you have a degree from ___ University. No employer is really going to care much. They are not going to ask you about your college debt, either--and if they do, it's not a professional question--so you don't have to answer. You don't need to justify how long it took. 


USA is where you live? Of COURSE employers would care if you took 10 years to graduate. Better question Would you fit in better with mexicans or with cat owners who LOVE cold weather. You should ask an employer this too.


everyone is different.  it's not like you flunked a lot of classes and had to repeat them to graduate.  i would also just put the year you graduated on your resume or application.  not the ten year period.  say you graduated in 2020.  not in school from 2010-2020.  or whenever you graduated  

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