I have yet more questions about the old switcheroo that the parties pulled in the 1960's?

How do we explain away the following quotes my fellow good socialists?

Republican President Abe Lincoln: "I am a conservative and a Republican, and I will destroy slavery." "A Letter to Horace Greeley in 1861." (The New York Tribune, autumn 1861).

Democrat President Jefferson Davis 1863: "I take what many folks call a liberal view of the American Constitution in that I say that not all men were created equal, but that this country was made for the White man and not the black".

Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
Go Yanks!


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Never fear, Cenk.  After the statues, the libraries and internet are next until we stamp out every historical truth there is.  Then where will you get your quotes?  :-)


Since I just googled one of those phrases and most of the hits were on Yahoo Answers, I think you may have made them up.

However, in the unlikely possibility that they might be real, I explain both of them by the fact that (1) if Lincoln wrote that, he obviously wasn't telling the truth, because the Republican party's position at the time was to stop the expansion of slavery but allow it to continue where it already existed, (2) the Davis quote specifically says it is "what many folks CALL a liberal view", not an actual liberal view.


OK, you got me.  If I were around in 1860, I'd definitely be a Republican.  But, look at the GOP now - slavishly following a racist nincompoop.  Working to limit voting rights for minorities, trying to take away health care and Social Security.  Also - helping to destroy our air and water quality ( Yes, the Clean Air and Water act was signed by a Republican Pres, but that was then)  
  So, I'll remain a Democrat, for now.  


When you say switcheroo, do you mean one party went from not attracting non-white voters to one that does, while the other party only attracting one group?


You weren’t there and they are dead

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