Is what you major in at a junior college important?
At the junior college I am attending, they require students to pick a major and fill its required units, as well as the 39 required units to transfer to a state school. If I choose and complete a major at a junior college, do I have to stick with said major when I transfer. Thanks in advance!
Only to the extent that the courses will prepare you to take upper division classes in your chosen major once you do transfer to a university. You do not have to stick with your CC major when you transfer.
Usually when you go to a community college with the intent of transferring to a university to complete a Bachelor degree, you take General Studies for transfer program. Taking only general education classes.
You can usually change your major. However, by declaring your major early, you start on the introductory classes & prerequisites for your major. If you change majors, you may need a bunch of prerequisite & intro-level courses.