Is what you major in at a junior college important?

At the junior college I am attending, they require students to pick a major and fill its required units, as well as the 39 required units to transfer to a state school. If I choose and complete a major at a junior college, do I have to stick with said major when I transfer. Thanks in advance! 


Only to the extent that the courses will prepare you to take upper division classes in your chosen major once you do transfer to a university.  You do not have to stick with your CC major when you transfer. 


Usually when you go to a community college with the intent of transferring to a university to complete a Bachelor degree, you take General Studies for transfer program. Taking only general education classes. 

Spock (rhp)2020-07-11T12:28:59Z

no.  you do not have to stick with that major when you transfer to university

ibu guru2020-07-11T07:45:47Z

You can usually change your major. However, by declaring your major early, you start on the introductory classes & prerequisites for your major. If you change majors, you may need a bunch of prerequisite & intro-level courses. 

Pearl L2020-07-11T04:15:46Z

it might be important

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