is something wrong with my bladder ?

Hello, I feel something is terribly wrong I am worried .so recently starting today I have been feeling the need to pee every 20 minutes it is clear and it looks normal but its odd.Also I stoped getting horny which is very odd being a teen. I feel like I over masturbated to much and maybe I damaged something? I usually do it once a week but I tried something different and decided to do it two days in a row.then all the sudden I stopped being horny .the first time I was masturbated and I couldn't get an erection and then when I finally did it it took a while. but I stopped being horny and getting urges its almost like I have to force it.someone please help me get answers . Thank you so much!


Possibly an infection somewhere in the urinary system. See the doctor for a simple antibiotic before it gets difficult to treat.


That is an issue for a urologist to assess. Sounds like you've damaged yourself somehow. You may need surgery, or at the very minimum some medication.


yes you may have damaged the nerves
in the penis by dry humping the bed and
pillow everyday
the result is that you now need to pee every
20 minutes
just stop the dry humping and you will be
fine in 14 days
take high potency Vit B complex (Vit B1,
B6, B12) Neurobion tab daily for a month
to repair the nerves


Sounds like a prostate problem. Could just be swelling, but you really need to get that checked out ASAP