Feeling nervous about job interview related to what I studied for?

I majored in Environmental Science. Most of my grades are B's. When I got interviewed for fast food or retail, I never got nervous. There were so many of these jobs that I had nothing to lose. With this one I feel nervous cause everything I learned from school blanks out. It's like I know it when I can write it on paper but doing it by hand is where I blank out.


With the pandemic going around, I can't afford to screw up. 


Most people lost their jobs so I have to deal with more competition. I don't know how many jobs related to what I studied for decided to shut down cause of the pandemic. So I am not expecting it to be easy. I was just surprised to even get an interview two months after graduating. 


This isn't like interviewing for McDonalds. That is a piece of cake. Anyone can do it. This is something more related with having my education. I try very hard to retain what I learned from school. 


I feel like this is something more serious. So I imagine the interview will be very different. 


I should have said many people lost their jobs, not most. Either way, the current unemployment rate is unacceptable. Doesn't matter if it's over 90 percent still working. Unemployment still went up. That was the point I was trying to make and what I am afraid I may have to deal with if I do get extra competition. 

All I was asking for is inputs. That isn't hard to understand. 


Most people didn't lose their jobs.   Over 90% of Americans are still working.  The unemployment rate was never higher than 15% which meant that at the worst point in time, 85% were still working.

You supposedly have a science degree but can't seem to grasp third grade math. 

Do you have a question?   You didn't actually ask one.


Think of all the questions you might be asked and write down the answers.
Keep studying them up until the interview.


One thing that makes interviewing easier is practice.  DO searches on practice interview questions and get someone to run through them with you.  Also, apply for every single job that you're even remotely qualified for (whether you want the job or ot) just for the practice.