Better life?

My parents did the best they could to raise me and my brothers and sister. I do appreciate that very much but what I don't appreciate is that they never made the effort to find a better-paying job.6 years ago when I joined the laborers union I found out that to be a member there is no educational requirement. That means you don't have to have a high-school diploma or GED. There's also no language requirement. Speaking English is not a requirement in the laborers union. If my parents made an effort to find a better job back in the late 90s, we wouldn't of grown up so poor. My parents are too old to join now. I also look at it through my parents plaintiff you because they never knew the laborers union existed. How can you search for something that you don't know that exist?


maybe they didnt know about that job


If no education is required to join the laborers union, you'll fit in just fine.  You looked at your parents PLAINTIFF?  What?

I am really getting weary of your self serving, "everything is all about me," entitled questions.

Maybe your mother ("my parents") didn't want to work for the laborers union.