Am I the only one that thinks that JK Rowling did nothing wrong?


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If you were the only one who thought that, then there wouldn't be all this furore and drama, would there?

No, you are not the only one. I agree with her and so, obviously, do a lot of other people, from every kind of background.

What I cannot understand is why people who DON'T agree with her automatically accuse her of "hate". It's very clear JKR doesn't "hate" trans-women. "Hate" is a very strong word.If you accuse of "hatred" someone who merely thinks it's not quite right to call a trans-woman a woman, what word will people find that's strong enough to describe people who really do HATE trans-women?


Like everyone, she is entitled to have an opinion on any matter, and like everyone, I am entitled to strongly disagree with her opinion to the point that I got rid of her books, not by donating but by destroying them.

I have a trans daughter and I won't tolerate trans hate.


No - I'm sure most people agree with you - and me.
She's entitled to her own opinion, and as she's evidently suffered some personal harm through some incident connected to transexuality, I can understand her having difficulty dealing with it.

I do wish she'd kept her thoughts to herself, as I think she expressed herself poorly - most unusual for JK!  But what she said has no effect at all on my love of her books.

We all have a few potentially controversial opinions or ideas, and for most of us, they stay private or within our own social/family circle. Unfortunately, she's such a public figure that she's now unable to keep her opinions away from the media and is leaving herself open to misinterpretation and criticism.


Yup, but the higher to climb the further you fall. She's entitled to her opinion, I guess, it just shows her true colours.


she had her own opinion and that is okay