Is Biden a useful idiot?

2020-08-07T04:17:28Z sound just as f**ked up as Biden!


He's a whole lot more useful than Trump. Sure, they both might be idiots but at least Biden will pretend not to be an idiot. I wish Trump would pretend.


No, honey, it's Trump who is a useful idiot for the Russians, and he has been for  years.


Yes. Democrats are useless idiots. They’re too stupid to reason with


No, Trump is just a crook.
The entire point of Trump's presidency is the corruption. Trump boasted he would leave the presidency richer than he entered it. He is quite open about his goal being corruption. The problem is that conservative America's mentality has become so twisted, you are incapable of seeing anything wrong with corruption. It is sheer lunacy.
3000 conflicts of interest and counting:


I'm sure that as president he will prove useful, but he is not an idiot. Trump IS an idiot. I've heard he is useful to Putin.

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