Who subjected creation to death and decay?  God or Satan?

Rom. 8:20-21

Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, [21] the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.


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On the subject of who subjected the creation to futility, some have pointed to Satan; others to Adam. But neither could have done the subjecting, because the one who subjects the creation to futility does so “on the basis of hope.” He offers hope that faithful ones will eventually be “set free from enslavement to corruption.” Neither Adam nor Satan could offer such a hope. Only Jehovah could. Clearly, then, it was he who subjected creation to futility.


What would be the alternative? Allow living things to reproduce until every square foot of the Earth was covered by living organisms? Of course we would all die of starvation long before that happened.


Keywords "...subject to Gods curse ."

God cursed creation. Satan and Adam caused him to do that. 


Paul's letters are not Gospel. Paul was never a disciple or an apostle of Jesus, and all 3 different versions of his Damascus RD. story are fake. He wrongly thought an Apostle was greater than a Prophet which is why he chose to call himself an apostle.

Foinery Unlimited2020-08-08T14:03:14Z

According to YOUR logic, either God or Satan is responsible for death and decay.

If God did it then he's evil.

If Satan was able to so easily thwart God's plan then God is weak.

Both are silly, superstitious attempts to explain the natural world.

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