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Who subjected creation to death and decay?  God or Satan?

Rom. 8:20-21

Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, [21] the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.

8 Answers

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    8 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    On the subject of who subjected the creation to futility, some have pointed to Satan; others to Adam. But neither could have done the subjecting, because the one who subjects the creation to futility does so “on the basis of hope.” He offers hope that faithful ones will eventually be “set free from enslavement to corruption.” Neither Adam nor Satan could offer such a hope. Only Jehovah could. Clearly, then, it was he who subjected creation to futility.

  • God ultimately has authority and power over all his creation . So God allowed death/futility to enter his creation. This happened much before Adam and Eve's rebellion of eating forbidden fruitnin the Garden that God planted in Eden.

    This happened when God allowed death and futility into his creation after Satan rebelled and  took 1/3rd of all angels to earth - Revelation 12:4, which happened after Satan first rebelled in mountain of God and is cut off to earth - Ezekiel 28: 12-16, Isaiah 14:12-17. According to our modern science which is vulnerable to change this happened about 3.5 billion years ago and fall rebellion of satan b/n 4.5-3.5 billion years ago. Also second heaven (outer space) was created some 13.8 billion years ago along with angels and Earth was created some 4.5 billion years ago.

    God’s Timeline

                  32 Events

    1. >13.8 billion1 Years BC - Past Eternity -John 1:1-3, Psalms 90:2

    2. >13.8 billion Years BC - God Creates Third- Genesis 1:1, Psalms 19:1

    3. >13.8 billion Years BC - God the Father foreordains Son- Lord Jesus Christ as the Slain Lamb , writes names of those who are to be saved in the Book of Life and prepares Eternal kingdom- Revelation 13:8,17:8, 1 Peter 1:19,20, Ephesians 1:4-, Matthew 25:34, Hebrews 4:3

    4.~13.8 billion Years BC- God Creates Second Heavens - Genesis 1:1, Psalms 19:1

    5.~13.8 billion Years BC- God Creates Angels - Genesis 1:1, Job38:6,7


    6. ~ 4.5 billion Years BC - God creates First Heaven and Earth - Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 45:18)

    7. B/n 4.5 and 3.5 BC billion Years - First rebellion of Satan/ Helel and cutting off (fall of) Satan to Earth (Ezekiel 28:12-16, Isaiah 14:12-17) .

    8. B/n 4.5 and 3.5 BC billion Years - Further rebellion of Satan taking 1/3rd of all angels to earth - Revelation 12:3

    9. ~ 3.5 BC billion Years - Death/Futility enters creation (Romans 8 :20,21) . 

    10. B/n 3.5 BC billion Years and 4029 BC - Earth becomes formless and void, covered with water and darkness due to God’s judgement/wrath upon Satan and fallen angels- 1/3rd of all angels and God casts angels that sinned to hell and chains them under darkness for judgement of the great day. - Genesis 1:2, 2 Peter 2:4, 3:5-7, Jeremiah 4:23-27, Jude 1:6

    11. 4029 BC - God begins restoration/ re-creation works and creation of man - Genesis 1:3- 2:25.          

    13. 4029 to 2334 BC - Fall of Mankind (Adam and Eve) till global flood Noah’s time- Genesis 3:1- 8:22

    14. 2334 to 1940 BC - After the global flood till God’s covenant with Abraham - Genesis 9:1 - 17 :27

    15. 1940 BC to 1481 BC -From God’s covenant with Abraham till exodus of Israel from Egypt and conquest of Canaan - Genesis 18:1 to Joshua 21:45 

    16. 1481 BC to 1011 BC - Israel under Judges and Kings- Joshua 22:1 to 

    17. 1010 BC to 536 BC - Divided Israel as Northern Israel Kingdom and southern Kingdom of Judah till Assyrian Captivity of Northern Israel Kingdom in 722BC and Babylonian captivity of southern Kingdom of Judah in 606 BC return of Israel From Babylonian Captivity

    18. 536 BC to 3 BC- Return of Israel from Babylonian Captivity till First coming of Lord Jesus Christ

    19. 3 BC to 32 AD - First coming of Lord Jesus Christ 3 – Yahweh Shuah the Messiah - Yahshuah the Messiah (All 4 Gospels and Acts 1:1-11), Isaiah 53rd chapter and all other messianic prophecies pertaining to the first coming of Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.

    20. 32 AD to 70 AD - New Testament God's Assembly and destruction of Jerusalem by Romans and scattering of Jews all over the world - Acts 1:12- Revelation 5:14

    21. 70 AD to 450 AD - Early God's Assembly

    22. 450 AD to 1420 AD- Idolatry and Lies corrupt much of God's Assembly - 1 Timothy 4:1-4

    23 From 1420 AD to present times - Restoration of God's Assembly- Joel 2:28,29

    24. From 1420 AD to present times- Restoration of Israel nation

    25. Future - Psalm 83 war and Gog Magog war -1 - Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38,39

    26. Future - Brief Time of Peace - 1 Thessalonians 5:3

    27. Future - Coming of Lord Jesus Christ in mid-heavens to take his faithful believers (church) before the 7 year great delusion and wrath/ tribulation period -Rapture. - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 1:10, 5:1-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, Revelation 3:10, 7:9-17, 1 Corinthians 15: 35-38, Isaiah 26:19-20


    28. Future - Great delusion and wrath/tribulation of God on unbelievers and hypocrites for 7 years .

    ( Revelation 6:1-19:11, Revelation 3:10, Daniel 9:27

      Zechariah 14:1-3 , Matthew 24:15-28, Mark 13:14-23)

    29. Future - Second coming of Lord Jesus Christ destroying beast, false prophet and those with them, throwing beast and false prophet to eternal hell fire, chaining of Satan in bottomless pit for 1000 years and Global rule of Lord Jesus Christ from Jerusalem for 1000 years

      -Revelation 19:11- 20:6,Jude 1:15,16,Zechariah 14:3-21 , 

        Matthew 24:29-31, Mark 13:24-27, Ezekiel 40:1-48:35

    30. Future - Second Gog Magog war and Satan thrown into eternal hell fire - Revelation 20:7-10

    31.Future - Final Judgement by God - Revelation 20:11-15

    32. Future - New Eternity of New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth - Revelation 21:1- 22:21, Isaiah 66:22-24

    1.Billions of years calculation are based human science which changes according to the understanding by humans and has limitations and so is always changing as compared to the 17 events that happened and to happen in future, which are based on unchanging eternal God’s word.

    1000's of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled till date according to secular historic data, Jesus himself fulfilled more than 300 messianic prophecies, thus proving he is the Christ /Messiah,1000's of miracle healings happen throughout the world , few of which gets reported in christian media,is all open for verification and certified credible by many.

    Here are some of those 1000s of Bible prophecies that were fulfilled at yah12.blogspot.comgyp - extra "gyp" to evade yahoo that deletes all answers with url links.

    May God bless you..

    Source(s): God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible
  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    What would be the alternative? Allow living things to reproduce until every square foot of the Earth was covered by living organisms? Of course we would all die of starvation long before that happened.

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    Keywords "...subject to Gods curse ."

    God cursed creation. Satan and Adam caused him to do that. 

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 months ago

    The Fall of Man resulted in all of mankind becoming perpetually enslaved to Satan, sin and death. It was a punishment for both Adam and Satan, which God permitted, for a time, until the promised, Holy Messiah/Redeemer would come. 

  • 8 months ago

    Paul's letters are not Gospel. Paul was never a disciple or an apostle of Jesus, and all 3 different versions of his Damascus RD. story are fake. He wrongly thought an Apostle was greater than a Prophet which is why he chose to call himself an apostle.

  • Jake
    Lv 5
    8 months ago

    Death is the punishment for sin.  This was decreed by God and He decreed as well that corruption of the body is another punishment for sin.

  • 8 months ago

    According to YOUR logic, either God or Satan is responsible for death and decay.

    If God did it then he's evil.

    If Satan was able to so easily thwart God's plan then God is weak.

    Both are silly, superstitious attempts to explain the natural world.

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