Has anyone had any success with the motley fool and their stock trading advice?

I've seen probably about a million ads for the Motley Fool on YouTube and what they say about their ability to pick tech stocks seems legitimate and I am interested in maybe signing up for thier service.  However, before I make a decision either way can anyone out there tell me if they have had any experience with the Motley Fool, be it good or bad?


I don't invest in a stock that Motley Fool likes, for one reason. If you read One article on a particular stock, you can usually find 4 or 5 Other articles that tout that particular stock-and sometimes it is Really risky. 
I just use the website for information to research. 

Grandpa Shark2020-08-14T19:50:38Z

Its for entertainment only


Many years ago I was an active participant on the site. I thought their material was very good.

When they changed policies and started charging fees for some parts of the site I left. I am not saying the information was not worth the price, but I do not like doing anything to transfer funds over the web.

(I a something of a dinosaur. I still like paying cash for things I buy.)

I did not use the stock picking information very much because at the time I was sometimes involved in making purchasing decisions for my employer and I did not want to have any potential conflicts of interest.