should I feel guilty?

I am working for a company where many of the employees have not gone to college and some who don't plan to. I have an associates degree and am trying to move on the field of study I graduated in. should I feel guilty for doing this even though no one else is?

Jedi Jan2020-08-23T07:29:19Z

Favorite Answer

No there is no reason to feel guilty for trying to improve your job opportunities and prospects.  If others don't like it that is simply their problem not yours.  You are not standing in the way of them bettering themselves; they can do night classes or remote studies too.  If they are they may even appreciate you offering to help at times too ... teamwork and good staff relations are also valued employee qualities.  


hell yes, taking work from the less educated is a nancy way of making a living, go get a job that fits your degree, stick with it even if you think it sucks pussie


If you think an associates degree entitles you to a complex think again.