Coronavirus Vaccine Will You Want It ? Yes /No  why ? ?

The global vaccine race is on whoch country will be first past the finish line with an effective vaccine ?

LindseyS499 usetobe LINDSEYS2020-09-06T13:31:18Z

If it's safe and reliable, then yes. I have been lucky not to get sick with covid 19, or any thing else this year and I don't ever want to get it. I want life as it was before. As do a lot of people, but we have to be patient and try to be positive in the mean time. 
Russia apparently crossed the finish line a few months ago, but I would count that one out. I don't know how safe or effective it is as there wasn't a lot of testing done on it. As for who will be next, I have no idea but many vaccines are in the works. 


I’m an 22 year old RN. So I have mixed feelings.

The 22 year old in me wants the vaccine. Anything that will make life go back to normal so that I can go to bars, meet new people (I live out of state for my job, and I’ve yet to make a solid group of friends), travel abroad (I have a boyfriend abroad and he won’t be back until March), and just never have to hear about COVID stats again. 

But the RN in me knows that a rushed vaccine shouldn’t be trusted. It hasn’t been tested enough on my demographic (African American), so I really shouldn’t be supporting it or encouraging others to get it.

Once the vaccine is officially here, I’ll have to see how I feel. I’ll most likely not get it for several months or more.


yes I want a vaccine to end covid 19, so we can return to normal like china.