Was Dr. Fauci wrong after all?

He predicted 100k-200k deaths from coronavirus.

Well, folks....we done PASSED that!



His error certainly wasn't in Trump's favor, Alvin.


Sometimes it is hard to foretell certain things.


Lesser number  was when we acted right away with a good leader. Therefore if you have a bad leader , numbers will rise..


He may have underestimated stupid. Had we had the same success as the rest of the world, we would have much lower levels right now.

But who would have thought there would be so many dumbasses who would rather  go out, have a good time, go home and kill their grandparents, rather than isolate, wash their hands and wear a mask.


Mar. 29th Fauci predicted 100k-200k could die. 7 months later his prediction about the worst came true. No one could possibly know how horribly trump was going to mishandle it back then. If trump was presidential, this thing should be contained by now like it is in other countries not handicapped w/ a trump factor.

Mao Bidden2020-09-23T16:05:53Z

Fauci has been wrong about a number of things.  LOL

Update:  LOL about error not being in Trump's favor.  Isn't Fauci supposed to be the svengali of the coronavirus task force?  LOL

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