Will you consider everything in a persons life before they become a national public figure?

Basically what I'm saying is that people do things in their past, then later in life try to say that "it never happened" when there is solid proof that it did. 

Let's say Bob and Jim are running for president, Bob has a nearly perfect record, never did anything wrong in his past, but Jim, 30 years ago made racist remarks, and generally just did things that creeped people out.  But because of politics, people want Jim as president, not Bob.

Would you consider everything that happened in Jim's past before you blindly made a vote for him?

And this right here, is from bidens past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XUC6_HZHuY

Just sayin


I won't vote based on hate or gender.  I'll vote based on policy, and what that person can get done as president.


Favorite Answer

At one time the overall life actions were all that mattered.