Do I need to wear a mask when I make love to my wife?

Just to stay on the safe side in case someone sneezed one aisle over in the grocery store she shopped at today.


Favorite Answer

If you're really that worried about it you'd wait 14 days to make love to your wife ;-)

Your parents hate you.2020-10-10T03:00:56Z

Please dont have kids. 


yes you are so mouldy and nasty looking she does not want to see your face so a mask will help a lot

also Andrew Smith is a real lad spitting straight facts

GIVE ME ONE NOW!2020-10-07T11:53:32Z

Yes, because you're so ugly and your breath smells like dog excrement.


Ummmm...I know this is a troll, but...
The mask does not protect the person wearing the mask.  The mask protects OTHER people who are near the person wearing the mask.  So if your wife went to the grocery store, then SHE should be the one wearing the mask.

You know what vaping is, right?  A week ago, I walked down the street coming home from the grocery store.  I was wearing a mask, but there was a person on the opposite side of the road, standing near the curb, vaping.  I could smell it very strongly, about 30' away.  It made me realize...if I'm breathing in his "vape", then I am inhaling any viruses he might be infected with, as well.

The current social distance suggestion of 2 meters or six feet is a joke.  The actual distance should be closer to 20 meters, minimum.  You joke about someone sneezing one aisle over, but that could indeed be very dangerous if the person is not wearing a mask.  Sneezes will travel farther than one aisle.

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