Has anyone been pushed into being a best man at a wedding?

Have any guys been best man at wedding, but was pushed/forced  into doing it?  How did it turn out for you.


Hey tj, you wanna fight me queen boy .. come to toledo ohio. I'll shatter your nose. I own this city. Every where you go cars will go after causing accidents to get to you. You think I'm playing.  Your info  is gong viral too. You effed with the wrong person. My name  is cee cee


Get over it ur **** stop being such a cry baby


You're very cruel in answering my question. You know how to hurt ppl. Just want you to know how you made me feel. Hope you have better days because its not easy living with hate.


You’re a ***** and you truly know it.


You sound a complete idiot how you answered my question saying I need an abusive boyfriend to keep me in line when I have been abused before so I'm worried this guy will be a ****
I can't think why anyone would want you as best man 
My family welcome everyone so for you to say they need someone to keep them in line is a joke
It's best not to create your fairytale version on here but you're blocked anyway as I don't need an idiot suggesting I need abuse
Have a **** life 

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