Is it discrimination if companies won’t hire me simply because I’m a level 3 registered sex offender, even though I’ve served my jail time ?


Not illegal dicrimination, no.


Yes, it is discrimination.  Companies are allowed to discriminate in their hiring, UNLESS it is against gender, race, religion, or other "protected classes". Being a registered sex offender is not a protected class.


No, the non employment doesn't state convicted  sex offenders can not be discriminated against for employment........most employers will not employ them as they are a risk to young/old/vunerable the business may come into contact/or work  with


Sorry but it’s not discrimination. You might want to consider a career where they are less judgmental about stuff like that


Not discrimination at all, they don't want a scum bag like you near any of their employees, or customers.

They could be sued when your perverted a$$ does it again, and it will.

However. Looking over your previous questions for the past 2 1/2 years. This is a fake question 

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