Need proof that the Left has gone completely nuts?

Students at the University of Wisconsin are demanding the removal of a statue of Abraham Lincoln, the President who ended slavery, as a "remnant of white supremacy."


Lincoln did not end slavery.

In the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln specifically said that only slaves in places still "in rebellion" were to be freed, and that slaves in states that had stayed in the Union or and slaves in places had already been captured by Union troops were not to be freed.

These slaves were not freed until after Lincoln died.


SJW-trolls do not speak for the left in general

I'm That Mexican2020-11-01T17:27:59Z

If the Left could control language (which is a goal of theirs). Phrases like "that which can not be mentioned" & "the day of no memory" would become common speak. 


That's nuts, but not as nuts as supporting Donald Trump.


Another Trump win would be the biggest middle finger to all these raging leftists. Imagine the chaos.

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