Do you think just because someone is a above 55 they should have the right to cut a line of people? ?

So I was at a store the other day and this elder women just cuts in front of me and the rest of the line . I assumed since she was older she felt she deserves special treatment just kept my mount shut . But in all honesty if I had done the same to her she would have been less understanding. So does age make it ok in society to forget to be respectful and follow the rules ? All am saying if she had asked me if she could be served first I would have smiled and said yes anyway . 


Ok . So she wasn’t in line any time the prior 20mns . Because the line hadn’t moved in that time . I would have seen her . In fact i saw her enter the store because I was at the counter after waiting 20mn in line . Get the facts ! You weren’t their you assumed you knew everything based off my general explanation Steve.  You also created a scenario that didn’t happen in your own head . This elder lady literally cut a line of people and handed her card over and grabbed 1 item . 


Favorite Answer

No, but I also don't think you should "assume" that this is someone who feels entitled because she's a mere 17 years older than the average American. Sometimes people are just rude and it has nothing to do with the year they were born. 

STEVEN F2020-11-02T16:09:39Z

If this happened, age had NOTHING to do with someone thinking they are entitled to anything. That type of person had that attitude long before being a legal adult.


I sympathize with the sentiments here but there seems to be an implication that this is a regular occurrence. That is certainly not the case where I live.


Stop assuming,some people regardless of their age are ignorant, self centered and think they can get away with being disrespectful to others

Steve M2020-11-02T14:34:38Z

The problem here is you assumed a reason. Why didn't you ask her or the clerk about it? That's a major problem with people today. They assume something and then spend the rest of their time trying to convince others it's a fact. Another simple explanation could be that she had already stood in line and something was incorrect with her order. The clerk could have instructed her to get the correct thing(s) and step to the front so the line wouldn't be held up while she went and got the right item(s).

Get the facts before complaining. 

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