Why are covid cases spiking across the US?

Over 100,000 cases every day now

Ron Akia2020-11-16T19:32:17Z

Primarily because we have so many people who refuse to social distance or wear masks and party with large groups.

md iqbal2020-11-14T14:23:54Z

tModerna, Pfizer’s close competitor, announced on Wednesday that it had also reached a point in its late-stage trial that would allow it to begin analyzing data on its vaccine’s effectiveness. Both companies’ vaccines use the same technology, involving genetic material called mRNA, and both went into large trials on the same date in late July. Pfizer’s study has 44,000 participants, and Moderna’s 30,000.


I think its a combination of things. 

First, covid has now moved into areas where it hadn't been, or at least not that strongly before.  These areas tend to be more conservative and so they listened to president Trump who downplayed the severity of the disease and actively discouraged mask wearing, social distancing, and other mitigation efforts.  So people in these states are less likely to take the steps they need to protect themselves and others. 

Second, I think that people in states which had the virus early, and which in some cases sort of had it under control, got complacent.  Some of these people seemed to have thought that the disease was kind of over and that they could slacken up a bit on mitigation efforts.  We can combine this with "covid fatigue" where people are just tired of being cooped up.   A lot of the reporting says that small gatherings are fueling the spread in a lot of places so it seems that people might be taking reasonable precautions in their public life (shopping, working etc) but are taking risks in their private lives. 

Third, we're heading into winter and that means that in large parts of the country it's becoming too cold to do much outdoors.  We know that that the virus has a harder time spreading outdoors than indoors.  But with the exception of a few areas like Florida, Southern California, and the Southwest, it's becoming too cold to reliably do stuff outdoors.  In the places which seemed to have the virus under control, the downturn in infections largely corresponded to the summer, when people could do more outside.  Now that it's getting colder, we're moving inside more and thus getting more infected.


Simple, the  American people  didnt  do  what the  Health  care  EXPERTS  stated  was the  MANAGEMENT  PLAN.
The  American Health care  system  is  one of the  worst in the Western world, totally  profit  driven, for the Insurance  companies!!!!


Trump is the single biggest factor including his counterproductive behavior like rarely wearing a mask. The experts in the field of virology outlined what needed to be done but as usual, trump thinks he know more than he does. The experts said, if the virus isn't contained by the time the weather changes, expect a 2nd wave. People spend less time outside.

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