Newborn big ticket essentials?

What are the "necessary" big essentials for a newborn baby? I'm thinking crib, car seat, stroller.. 


Favorite Answer

Those are absolute definites, especially the car seat, and the only other thing you really need is a dresser for clothes. If you can find one that fits inside your closet~ bonus. More room. A changing table is a waste of money as you can change a baby anywhere. Same for all those fancy baby electric rocking bassinet things. Babies do not need those to sleep. Babies also DO NOT NEED anything electronic with the possible exception of a thermometer. 


Bouncy chair, exersaucer, high chair, rocking or glider chair (for feedings, etc).  

Felony Jayne2020-11-17T04:19:47Z

... bassinet, a stack of receiving blankets, baby bathtub, warm sleep sacks, nail clippers, digital thermometer 


Wardrobe, chest of drawers, changing table