Which car seat/ stroller did you buy? any regrets?

Currently looking for a car seat, stroller or travel system. I like the chicco bravo trio travel system. What was your decision, did it hold up. Will be a first time parent and am I right to assume that I will need a new car seat once the baby gets a little heavier. I saw some 4 in one car seats that looked really bulky and didn't come with a stroller.

I noticed that graco products looked popular. I'm already over thinking this, but wanted to be a minimalist with baby products. 


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I didn't buy a travel system, too bulky. In fact I didn't even buy a stroller until I absolutely needed it. Our infant carseats were Chicco Keyfits since they're light and compact but good quality, and I used a stroller frame for as long as my kids were in those carseats. Once they got too big to transfer, we used a Brica stoller.