Why do Trump suporters make death threats to nurses and nurses families?


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Trump is a demagogue. Unfortunately, these people get elected by appealing to the WORST of our character: Willingness to believe lies, Hatred, bigotry, violence, fear...you name it. I think Trump has actually hurt the morals of our whole nation. He has amplified the evil in those that listen to him!

Specifically, Willingness to believe lies: my guess is that Nurses go against the damned lie that Coronavirus is a Hoax. Trump has been dog whistling that foul and accursed LIE.


Because the USA has a mental health and drug addiction crisis, too many untreated nut jobs who also use drugs, bad combination, which only seems to be getting worse.


This is how they deal with reality: deny it and threaten people in the know.

The one good thing about this coronavirus is that it now mostly targets people of fail to take the proper steps to protect themselves, and that would chiefly be the idiotic virus denying imbeciles. With any luck, they will all die off by their own stupidity.


Why do people who complain about death threats only complain when the other side makes them? Brett Kavanaugh, wife and Christine Blasey Ford all received death threats. "Tweets wishing for Trump's death violate Twitter policy, company says"

Death threats are extremely common in American society, the question should be why EVERYONE keeps making them.


They are morons. So many Trumpsters have died saying that the virus isn't real and that it couldn't really be happening to them that people have lost count. They're suckers, just exactly the people that Trump has taken advantage of his entire life.

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