I got part 1 wrong?

My limits were incorrect. I got my upper and lower limits as 2 and 546 by plugging in 25 and 9 to 627-r^2
What would be the indefinite integral and in terms of u?


another homework cheater


Your limits are correct. Maybe its the way you wrote the function. Try writing as below

= ₅₄₆∫² -½(√u) du

Next find antiderivative but do not substitute the limits

= -½ ₅₄₆∫² (u^½) du
= [-½ * u^(½+1) / ((½+1)]  ₅₄₆|²
= [-½ * ⅔ u^(3/2)]   ₅₄₆|²
= [-⅓√u³] ₅₄₆|²